Friday, November 29, 2019
The Negative Effects of Nuclear Energy Essay Example For Students
The Negative Effects of Nuclear Energy Essay In 1950, the first commercial nuclear powerplants were constructed. The public was promiseda non-polluting and resourceful type of energy, buthow safe was, and is, nuclear energy? Althoughthere are less than 500 licensed nuclear powerplants in the world, many nuclear accidents havealready been endangering civilian lives. Moreserious accidents are not just likely, but inevitable(Fairchild 29). Nuclear energy may appear to bethe ideal source of energy for the future: however,there are many negative effects of nuclear energythat can lead to very dangerous situations. Energy has always been among the basic humanconcerns, along with food and shelter. It takespart in all activities, from walking to the operationof even the most complicated equipment. Mankindhas been faced with the challenge of meeting itsenergy needs without risking human health and theenvironment. The many types of energy are mechanical, thermal,chemical, electrical, radiant, and atomic (MicrosoftEncarta). In 1987, oil supplied 32% of the energyworldwide. Coal was next in line with 26%, thennatural gas with 17%, biomass 15%, and nuclearenergy with only 4% (Galperin 19). With the mainsources of our energy running low, nations look tonew sources to provide our society with power. We will write a custom essay on The Negative Effects of Nuclear Energy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Nuclear energy, the newest type of energy, wasresearched to see if it would be the mostpromising type of energy for the future. Surprisingly, nuclear energy was discovered byaccident. In 1896, the French scientist, AntoineHenri Becquerel, conducted an experiment withuranium salts and found that these salts gave offtheir own light when exposed to sunlight. Marieand Pierre Curie were fascinated by thepossibilities of Becquerels rays. The Curiesdiscovered exactly what the rays were and thennamed the phenomenon radioactivity (Halacy 6). During World War II, many scientists from aroundthe world came to the United States to work onnuclear reactors and weapons. With muchsuccess, they continued after World War II andconcentrated more on nuclear energy. Thescientists instantly saw that nuclear energy wouldbe a great source of power because of the amountof power it released. Splitting an amount ofuranium equal to one penny would produce asmuch energy as seven and a half tons of coal(Lilienthal 85). A nuclear power plant is where energy is formedwhen nuclear fission or fusion takes place. So far,however, only the power of fission has beencontrolled and used for energy. There are manyparts of the nuclear power plant, including thereactor, generator, control room, cooling systems,and the electrical, air, and water lines. The heart ofthe nuclear power plant is its reactor core, whichcontains a few hundred fuel assemblies. Thereactor core is encased in a pressured steel tankwith walls several inches thick. In most reactors,this vessel is enclosed in a containment structure. This is a steel-reinforced concrete dome that isabout three feet thick and serves as the outermostbarrier between the plant and the environmentaround it. This helps prevent radiation fromescaping the plant (Galperin 42). There are many different types of nuclear reactors,but all the power plants in the United States andmore than three-quarters of those worldwide arelight-water reactors. There are two types oflight-water reactors, which are boiling-water andpressurized-water reactors. Both types useordinary water as coolant and require enricheduranium (Microsoft Encarta). In boiling-water reactors, cooling water surroundsfuel assemblies. The heat of nuclear fission makesthe water boil and the steam produced is carriedaway from the core to the turbines. Once its workis done, the steam is condensed to water and itreturns to the reactor (Galperin 44). The pressurized-water reactor is more commonlyused than the boiling-water reactor. This reactorseals the cooling water in a closed loop an d addsa heat-exchange system. Water in the reactor coregets hot, but it does not turn to steam. The hotwater is piped through a steam generator andconverts a secondary water supply into steam topower the turbine. The two water supplies do notmix (Galperin 45). A gas-cooled reactor is similar to apressurized-water reactor. The only maindifference is that helium or carbon dioxide gasreplaces the water in the primary loop. Thesereactors cost more to operate and to build, but aremore energy efficient (Galperin 46). The last main type of reactor is a breeder-reactor. .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 , .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 .postImageUrl , .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 , .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4:hover , .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4:visited , .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4:active { border:0!important; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4:active , .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4 .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub5eb1378306c7f59726f0b188e4566f4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Acid Rain EssayThis is very different then other reactors because itproduces more fissionable material then itconsumes. A breeder reactor fuels with acombination of plutonium and uranium. A breederreactor would be extremely useful if uranium wasscarce. It takes about 10 to 60 years to use up thefuel from just one cycle (Galperin 46). Radiation is very strong in the nuclear waste ofpower plants. Nuclear waste exists in severalforms. One form is called high-level waste, and theother is called low-level waste. High-level waste ismostly from the used fuel rods and other materialsexposed to as much radiation as they are. High-level wastes can let out very large amountsof radiation for thousands of years. There is noplace to store this waste that is safe, and it willalways be radioactive. But for now, they arestored in the ground. Other proposed storingsolutions are sending it to space, burying it in thecore of the earth, burying it in the ocean, orburying it under the Antarctic ice. Even these ideashave the potential of severely damaging the earth. An example of low-level waste is the waste left inthe reactor water. This waste is less radioactive,but is still very dangerous (Galperin 65). Two engineers in Connecticut have, not too longago, caught the Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) in a dangerous game of disobeying therules. The NRC has been regularly disobeyingsafety rules to let plants keep the cost down andstay open to operate (Microsoft Encarta). Twosenior engineers started questioning after one ofthem had checked the specifications of the coolingsystem in a power plant. After eighteen months of operation, a nuclearpower plant is temporarily shut down. They haveto get rid of the used fuel rods and replace themwith new ones. The old rods are very hot andradioactive. Places to store the old fuel rods arerather limited, especially since the federalgovernment has never designated an officialstorage place for this high-level waste. So wheredo you used fuel rods go? Used fuel rods are kept at a fuel pool at the plantuntil they can find a storage place for them. Fuelpools were created to keep the fuel rods for shortperiods of time. The fuel pool is not supposed tobe f illed to capacity. This is only to be a lastresort. In the fuel pool, a cooling system cools theused, hot, radioactive fuel rods. The more fuelrods that are stored, the more heat. This, in turn,causes more danger. If the cooling system fails, thepool could boil, turning the plant into a lethal saunafilled with radioactive steam (Microsoft Encarta). George Galatis, an employee at Millstone-1Nuclear Facility, had been checking specificationsand realized that the reports of safety in the fuelpool had not been kept. He did some checking ofhis own on this, and discovered that the plant hadbeen putting almost three times as many fuel rodsin the fuel pool as they were supposed to. Hewanted to report this to the NRC right away, buthe knew that some nuclear facilities, like this one,was known to harass and even fire employeeswho raised safety concerns. Therefore, he teamedup with another employee at the plant, GeorgeBetancourt, and brought the issue up to thesupervisors of the plant. They completely deniedthe problem. Galatis and Betancourt then took theproblem to the NRC themselves and found thatthe NRC had been ignoring the problem for over adecade. Nuclear facility scandals have not just beenhappening recently. They have been going on sincethe very beginning of nuclear energy. The nuclearaccident of Chelyabinsk-40 is one of theearlie st-known disasters. The Chelyabinsk-40reactor was located near the Ural Mountains in thecity of Kyshtym, Russia. A tank holdingradioactive gases exploded, contaminating landthousands of miles around the plant. Until 1988,Russia officials dared to admit that this event eventook place. Many things are still unknown aboutthis disaster. What we do know, however, is thatthe region around the reactor is sealed, and morethan 30 towns in the area around it havedisappeared from the Soviet map (Galperin 74). .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e , .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e .postImageUrl , .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e , .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e:hover , .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e:visited , .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e:active { border:0!important; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e:active , .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8a634ed1313f3d02351b53beee225b7e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Childhood Memories EssayIn a town several miles north of Liverpool,England, there was the nuclear repossessing plantcalled Windscale. In 1957, the plant graphitemoderator overheated. The temperature indicatorsdid not recognize the problem in time, so a largeamount of radiation escaped, contaminating twohundred miles of countryside. This accident is saidto have caused birth defects, cancer, and leukemiain many people who were near the site (Schneider4). In 1975, at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant inDecatur, Alabama, there was another nuclearaccident. A maintenance worker was checking airleaks with a candle. This was against regulationsand caused the plant to catch on fire. A mel tdownwas luckily prevented, but a worse disastercertainly could have happened (Galperin 75). The worst nuclear accident in the United Statesoccurred in 1979 at Three Mile Island. Thisreactor was located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Many of these reactors had poor safety recordsand an NRC inspector suggested that they beevaluated. Despite this inspectors suggestion,nothing was done. During the cleaning of a sectorof the plant, one pump failed which caused thetemperatures to rise in the cooling circuit. Thesafety devices had turned on and started to workproperly. However, after they cooled the circuit,the safety devices never turned off. Theyeventually used all the coolant and thetemperatures began to rise. A meltdown beganand citizens started evacuating. It is uncertain howmuch radiation escaped into the air from it. Theplant then had to be cleaned up and sealed off. Part of this process is still going on, and theestimated cost upon completion is around twobillion dollars (Stephens 174). The Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Russia was theworst accident in nuclear history. It took threedays of meltdown for the nuclear plant officials toeven realize there was a problem. The problemwas discovered when technicians in countriesbordering Russia noticed high radiation levels anddecided it was coming from Chernobyl. Explosions were shooting radiation into the airbecause Chernobyl was not built with acontainment structure. The radiation was carriedgreat distances by the air currents. The radiationthat escaped into the atmosphere was moreradioactive than the atomic bombs dropped onHiroshima and Nagasaki. Fires also ragedthroughout the complex, which made it hard tocontrol the situation. It was stated that five millionpeople were exposed to the radioactive fallout inUkraine, Belarus, and Russia. Predictions weremade that 40,000 cases of cancer are going to belinked directly to the Chernobyl accident (Galperin82). Chernobyl and other accidents help create agrowing resistance to nuclear energy. This isbecause radiation sickness and other harmfuleffects from over-exposure to radiation haveoccurred. Every person in the world is exposed toradiation. It comes from things such as potassiumin food, radon gases, and uranium decay. Theamount of radiation one is exposed to depends onlocation, eating habits, a s well as many otherthings. Yet, too much radiation exposure isdefinitely fatal. How can nuclear power plants be trusted whenthey are more concerned with saving money, thenprotecting lives? They are violating safetystandards and the government is just watchingthem do it. There are probably many otherviolations that are taking place to let the plantscontinue to operate and compete as a source ofpower. If the NRC suddenly decided to enforceall of its rules, then a majority of nuclear powerplants would have to be shut down. What do youbelieve holds more importance: saving money, orsaving lives? Nuclear energy displays both the brilliance of manand the devastating destruction that mankind cancause. The potential of nuclear energy has causedgreat excitement. However, the destruction ofHiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as the manynuclear power plant accidents and the manydangers of radioactivity, have given the worldreason to pause and consider the dangerouspossibilities of nuclear disaster .
Monday, November 25, 2019
Canterbury Tales Essays - Canterbury, The Canterbury Tales, Miller
Canterbury Tales Essays - Canterbury, The Canterbury Tales, Miller Canterbury Tales In Chaucers Canterbury Tales there are twenty-nine plus one characters. Out of the twenty-nine plus one characters two will be compared and contrasted. The Friar and the Miller have some similarities and at the same time some differences. The Friar and the Miller show a few similarities in Canterbury Tales. They are both very strong and able to head butt things without a problem. The Friar was, strong enough to butt a bruiser down(94). The Miller was, Broad, knotty, and short-shouldered(109)he would boast he could heave any door off hinge and post, or take a run and break it with his head(101). The Friar and the Miller both played musical instruments in Canterbury Tales. The both of them also had a way of cheating people out of their money The are also a few differences the Friar and the Miller show. The Friar, for instance, was part of the church; the Miller was not. Also, the Friar has a name, Hubert. The Miller does not have a name. The instrument the Friar plays isnt the same as the Miller. The Friar, played the hurdy-gurdy,(95) and also the harp. The Miller, He liked to play his bagpipes(101) Even though they had ways of cheating people out of their money they had different ways of doing it. . The Friar would hear confessions from the wealthy for a good price and, The Friar was also the finest beggar of his hatch(95). The Miller had, A thumb of gold, by God, to gauge an oat(101)! The Miller would press down on the weighing scale to make the oat weight more. Therefore making the oat cost more. In Canterbury Tales there are twenty-nine plus one characters. Out of the twenty-nine plus one characters, the Friar and the Miller are compared and contrasted. Out of this comparison and contrasting the outcome showed how the Friar and the Miller are alike and somewhat different. Even though they do some of the same things like cheat innocent people out of their money, they do it in different ways which make them have differences.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Post ww2 fiction and film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Post ww2 fiction and film - Essay Example In The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie similarly damaged people are considered, particularly the title character who draws a few to her but rejects many others. A Clockwork Orange portrays a nightmarish future world, taking several features of 1950ââ¬â¢s/1960ââ¬â¢s life to their logical conclusions. The title is suggestive of all these works: the people appear to be alive on the outside, but are ââ¬Å"clockworkâ⬠(dead) within. The extent to which novels and films can reflect actual problems within society versus the fact that they are reflections of an individual authorââ¬â¢s/filmmakerââ¬â¢s view of the world is one that can never be entirely resolved. In reality, novelists and directors live within societies and are thus influenced by them, yet at the same time they are portraying their individual perspectives. Three very distinct novels, such as The Prime of Miss Jean Brody, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning and A Clockwork Orange, reflect often nightmarish versions of society. A common theme among all three of them is the place of the individual within society. That is, how far can the individual act in a purely independent manner versus the need to conform? Each novel tackles this question in a different manner and comes to contrasting conclusions. The main characters in each novel are indeed ââ¬Å"individualisticâ⬠, in the fact that they follow their own course (often counter to what â⠬Ësocietyââ¬â¢ wants for them), and their often difficult fates illustrate the dangers of being an individual. The issue of conformity versus eccentricity is as relevant today as it was in post-war British society, and thus can inform a discussion of problems that are being faced today. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is set in Scotland during the 1930ââ¬â¢s. As such it represents a consideration of the interwar rather than the post-war period., but many of its themes resonate to the latter period. The teacher of the title is determined to actually teach the young women at her
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Did Credit Rating Agencies do good work (with impact on the Qatari Term Paper
Did Credit Rating Agencies do good work (with impact on the Qatari Context) - Term Paper Example The research will analyze the roles and benefit of CRAs in the last financial crisis of 2007 ââ¬â 2009. The research will provide evidence of the financial crisis on the credibility and accountability of credit rating agencies. The credit crunch will be explained and also the contribution of credit rating agencies to the financial crisis. The benefit of credit rating agencies to investors is also discussed in the paper. The research methodology and design and reporting and analysis will be dealt with by the research paper. The role of credit rating agencies during and before the financial crisis will also be discussed in the paper. The implication of the financial crisis in the economy of Qatar will be discussed a bit to establish the impact of it is on the people. Contents Abstract 1 Contents 2 Introduction-What Is Credit Rating? 3 Research Objectives 4 Literature Review 4 Role of Credit Rating Agencies During and Before Financial Crisis 6 Credit Ratings Assignment Process 7 Res earch Methodology and Design 8 Reporting and Presentation of the Project 9 Credit Rating Agencies as Coercive Regulators 10 How CRAs Impact On Financial Market Participants 10 Relation between Credit Rating and Agency Problem 11 Implications of Financial Crisis on Qatarââ¬â¢s Economy 12 Conclusion 12 References 13 Introduction-What Is Credit Rating? Crediting rating is a common statement that refers to opinion concerning a debt instrument and its issuer company. It gives an investor a clear indication on whether the debt instrument is safe or risky. It also tells the investor the capability of the issuer company to pay interest and the principal amount in time. However, credit rating is simply an opinion rather than a recommendation and thus does not require an investor to buy or sell an instrument. Currently, global rating is undertaken by several credit rating agencies with the general ones are Standard and Poorââ¬â¢s (S&P), Moodyââ¬â¢s Corporation both of whom are based in the USA and Fitch Rating Firm. The above named rating agencies hold the majority of the credit rating share. However, there are more than 100 minor credit rating agencies in the market offering quality credit rating in national markets and industries (Benmelech 2009). Credit rating is usually done by experts who examine various factors and provide the rating is expressed in either alphabetical or alphanumeric symbols. AAA is the highest possible rating as per the S&P agency. High quality credit investment grades are grades AAA and AA whereas grades A and BBB offer medium credit quality investment grades. However, grades BB, B, CCC, CC and, C means that the issuer has a low credit quality and maybe there is no existence of investment credit quality. Grade D is the lowest possible credit rating, and this means that there is no way that the creditor will recover his interest plus the principal amount. According to this credit rating, those companies with AAA, AA, A and, BBB grades p resents less risk and thus most investors will be attracted to invest in them since they have assurance that there will be a gain in their market share. Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) plays a bigger role in todayââ¬â¢s financial markets in Qatar. The rating is normally followed closely by the investors, issuers, borrowers and governmentââ¬â¢s financial institutions. Research Objectiv
Monday, November 18, 2019
Pseudocode Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pseudocode Standards - Essay Example Every ââ¬ËStoreââ¬â¢ object would comprise of the store id, name, its location, phone number, distance from the current station.à The ââ¬ËStoresââ¬â¢ array at each station would already be sorted according to the lowest distance. Every ââ¬ËStoreââ¬â¢ object would comprise of the store id, name, its location, phone number, distance from the current station.à The ââ¬ËStoresââ¬â¢ array at each station would already be sorted according to the lowest distance. In order to avoid invalid entry by a customer, the station would present the customer with a fixed list of categories to choose the item from. When the customer selects an item from the list, a local search is conducted within the array ââ¬ËItemsââ¬â¢ of the local database. In case of a match and if the available quantity is greater than 0, the information is presented to the customer. In case no match is found, the item is searched in the ââ¬ËItemsââ¬â¢ array of the nearest remote store loc ation i.e. on the server of the first store in the ââ¬ËStoresââ¬â¢ array. The search continues for all the stores in the array. Information is presented only if the item exists in a particular store. A while loop is used to traverse through all records of items and stores, while the matching conditions are checked through the if-statements. Step 1: Display MenuStep 2: Get Item Name from CustomerStep 3: Match Item name with Items in Local StoreStep 4: In case Item availableà Step 5: Print Message ââ¬Å"Availableâ⬠Step 6: Print Quantity of Item AvailableStep 7: In case Item unavailable at Local Store Step 8: Match Item Name with Items in Nearest Store Step 9: In case Item Available Step 10: Print Message ââ¬Å"Availableâ⬠.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Macro Environment Analysis Economics Essay
The Macro Environment Analysis Economics Essay The macro environment is made up of 6 uncontrollable external factors. These factors influence an organizations decisions, business and financial strategies as well as its overall performance. These factors are : Economic, Demographic, Social Cultural, Natural, Technological, and Political. 3.2 Demographic environment: The demographic factor covers topics such as age, gender, date of birth, average family sizes and so on .Population Growth The United States has experienced a substantial influx of people. Within the last 10 years there has been an increase of over 33 million people, making the U.S. the most heavily populated nation in the world. A steady but constant population growth is expected for the next 50 years. We can expect an increase in the number of American guests at the Marriot Amsterdam. If the marketing strategy is tailored in order to draw more away from Hotels such as the Hilton. The situation in Europe is different than in the USA. The European Union has a total population of almost 500 million inhabitants (27 states of the European Union) whereas Europe has 732 million inhabitants. Within the next 40 years the population is predicted to decrease to approximately 630 million inhabitants in 2050. This can be seen as a threat in the long run because the impact on the industry is that the volume of the market will shrink as the total resident population will shrink.à [i]à 3.3Economic Environment Among the importance of people who make up markets is the importance of their purchasing power, level of employment, GDP, and rate of inflation which is determined by the economic environment. Both GDP growth rates increase on a low, but steady level. Due to the recession, it is likely that negative growth rates occur within the next five years for both western economies. Recovery is predicted on a very low level for the year 2012. India in comparison has a quite low GDP at the moment, but is predicted to catch up with big steps of over 100% per decade. With annually GDP growth rates of 6 to 10 percent during the last decade India is one of the world fastest growing economies. The latest recession hardly hit the country but recovery is predicted to take place more rapidly, profoundly and on a far higher level than in western economies. Inflation The inflation is an important indicator for purchasing power in an economy. Symptoms of inflation are increasing prices and therefore consumers decreasing purchasing power.à [ii]à Credit crunch By mid-2008 the financial crisis turned out as a result of the economic turn down, the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the collapse of the housing market.à [iii]à The collapse of the housing market led to a bank collapse resulting in a massive liquidity crisis. This became a worldwide problem: the ongoing credit crunch. Stock markets crashed worldwide. The credit crunch is affecting business as well as consumers.à [iv]à To conclude, this is a threat for any company because consumers are losing their purchasing power in the EU, US, Japan and UK. Besides that, consumers are more careful with their money because they want to save it in case that they will lose their job due to the economic crunch. Saving rate The saving rate reveals insights of the spending patterns of one country inhabitants. This figure shows the personal saving rate of the USA, Canada, UK and Germany. Due to cultural differences the saving rate of Germany and other European countries is traditionally higher than those in Anglo Saxon influenced countries. The more interesting development is the increase of the saving rate in all four countries after the year 2007. This is caused by the credit crunch and the following recession. During times of economic downturn people tend to save money. They are becoming anxious about their jobs and the future. The increase of the saving rate is a potential threat because peoples spending priority lies on essential goods and services rather than on luxury items. The main market would be for business guests and baby boomers who do not mind spending some extra money in order to have the comforts they have become used to. Income level of the target markets Nations vary greatly in level and distribution of income and industrial structure. Our analysis is focusing on industrial economies and their consumers. These economies are seen as rich markets for all sorts of goods and services. Unemployment From 1993 up to 2009 the unemployment rates for as well the EU, UK as for US are increasing and decreasing through the years. Increasing unemployment rates are for each company a threat because when consumers loose their jobs their purchasing power is decreasing.à [v]à The unemployment rate will average 9.2 percent in 2009, 9.6 percent is 2010 in the USA. The forecasting average for 2011 is 8.9 percent and for 2012 8.7 percent is forecast. The rising unemployment rate is a threat for the Hospitality industry in that consumers are more likely to save their money than spend it when unemployed. Even if they want our services they do not have the financial resources available to them. 3.4 Social-Cultural Environment Corporate social responsibility (CSR) was developed as a type of self regulation. Typically integrated directly into the business model of the corporation. The premise is that the corporation that has integrated with CSR will conform to certain pre-determined norms of society when engaging in business. The norms would vary from legal, social, ethical, moral, environmental as well as an increase in concern over the various elements of the public. Elements such as, but not limited to; the community as a whole, customers and employees. Although this moral business concept appears to be sound CSR has come under constant criticism. Many claim the moral aspect of CSR is nothing more than a faà §ade, allowing these companies to, in fact, exploits the situation at hand. The psychological effect of terrorism is also a factor we have to keep in mind. The frequency of travelling is decreased by this occurring factor. 3.5 Natural factors Macro factors are those factors that the company cannot influence itself, but these factors can certainly have a great impact on how the company is will perform. The Marriott hotel in Amsterdam lies in the center of the Netherlands with a sea climate. This means that all year round the weather will be mild with no extreme summer or winters. While these factors might not directly influence the performance of the hotel, others can. When looking at the volcanic eruption, which took place in the midst of April 2010, airlines cancelled all flights and passengers were stranded. While this at first presented a boom in occupancy due to stay-overs, the long run presented problems as many meeting were cancelled. This presented a downfall in revenue; fortunately problems were solved after 2 weeks when the eruption ceased. The hotel can of course never fully predict certain circumstances but after this experience should be prepared for it. Besides weather factors that will put pressure on business, the trend is shifting towards producing eco-sustainable business. Producing and running your business in a nature friendly way. When looking at the hospitality industry we can give examples as not overly washing linen, using soap dispenser, recycled paper/pens, dividing trash, light sensors, special heating systems, laundry detergent. 3.6 Governmental Due to relatively recent events there has been a major force affecting the hospitality industry. Of course due to the shrinking world phenomenon business travel has become more and more of a necessity but recreational travel has dropped substantially. In hospitality, even before the attacks the picture didnt look good. According to Smith Travel Research, U.S. hotel occupancy was 61.9% year-to-date through June 2001, a drop of 2.7% compared to the same period of 2000. RevPARs declined 0.4 % to $58.99. Preliminary figures indicate that occupancy rates and RevPARs were down 2%-4% in August of this year, compared to August of 2000 (Smith Travel Research). Another strong political force which will affect the Marriot is the increasing worldwide attitude towards smoking. Currently, the Netherlands has an approach of only specialised areas or small, private establishments are permitted to allow smoking in their premises. Smoking in public places or train/bus stations is also prohibited. By o ffering a specialised and separate area (the Cigar Bar) there is a greatly increased likelihood of attracting a larger customer base. This is due to catering to a larger customer base demographic. 3.7 Technology Improving productivity is the main goal of technology. Especially for information technology (IT). In studies there is proven that there is a relationship between IT investments and the productivity and performance of the business. Due all the new technology that has appeared over the years. Front office applications, restaurant and banquet management systems, and guest-related interface applications. We assume that these rapid changes in technology will continue. vii 3.8 Conclusion Threats: US dollar exchange rate for Euro will drop by 5% in 2011. 10% increase of energy prices in 2011. Smoking prohibition. Rapid change in technology Opportunity: Small growth in European economy of 1% in 2011. Slow recovery of US economy and rise of GDP of 2% in 2011. Corporate market in Europe will show a growth of 2%-5%. 10% increase of Chinese travelers in 2011. International tourism in the Netherlands will grow 5%. Rapid change in technology Micro Environment 4.1 Market structure Marriott hotel has a monopolistic competition, which means that the company faces a large number of firms each having a small proportion of the market share and slightly differentiated products. The main demand for the Marriott hotel is leisure and business guests. Customers: Segmentation Amsterdam The Netherlands Business transient 53% 36% Leisure individual 22% 37% Tour groups 8% 7% Conference 12% 15% Others (crew) 5% 5% Total 100% 100% Business Transient: Based on the following assumptions and information the Marriott can expect an increase of business transients compared to the previous years. The main points are as follows: 10% growth in 2010 in produced revenue of ASEAN (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam), India, Turkey and Brazil. UKs GDP economy expects to rise 2.7% and economy is recovering slowly. ( American economy expects a rise in GDP of 2% and economy is recovering slowly. European economy will grow in 2011 with 1% The above information shows that the economies in the major segments for the Marriott are increasing. Thus, companies will have to send their employees again on business trips. One downside of this assumption is decrease of the US dollar exchange rate of 5%. Therefore especially the American business guests will be more then price sensitive and expect to have more service included (e.g. internet). However as we are expecting that the British pound is increasing in 2011 we can assume that the British guests (20% of guests staying at the Marriott Amsterdam) will continue to travel. Individual Tourists: Based on the following assumptions and information received the Marriott can expect an increase of Individual Tourists compared to the previous years. The main points are as follows: EU citizen are expected to have a growth of 5% Expected growth of short breaks and weekend trips to cities. As the GDP in the USA and UK are expected to rise, it can be assumed that it will have a positive correlation on the standard of living of citizens of that country. Only the US market will not increase tremendously as the exchange rate for the US dollar will decrease by 5 %. However the British Pound is expected to rise compared to the Euro. Conference Participants: Based on the assumption and information received the Marriott can expect an increase in conference participants compared to the previous year. The main point is as follows: The same reasons as for business transients can be used to explain the increase of conference participants segment. Companies are expected to produce more goods and therefore will attend and conduct again trade show, conferences, meetings etc. Tour Groups / Other Rates: Based on the following assumption and information received the Marriott can expect a decrease in Tour groups and other rates compared to the previous year. The main reason is as follows: As we are expecting a rise in the business transient, leisure guest, conference participants the Marriott will not be able to sell as many rooms through the discounted channels. Therefore the rooms sold to Tour groups will be less. Contract: Based on the following assumptions and information received the Marriott can expect an increase in contract rates compared to the previous year: The main reason is as follows: In year 2010 the produced revenue was far above the expected budget. As Marriott Corporate Office is urging the hotels to put a focus on they contract rates we can expect again an increase in this segment. However Marriott Corporate Office advises the Hotels not to discount the rates less than 25% of the average daily rate (otherwise the head office needs to be contacted for approval). 4.2 Distribution Channels: Business Transient Individual Tourists Conference part. Tour Groups Other Social media 25% 10% 50% 25% 50% Central Reservation System 34% 32% 40% 20% GDS 27% 10% 30% Travel Agent 2% 15% 10% 25% 30% Hotel Website 12% 17% 20% 3rd party websites 16% Social media is a very effective way of distributing, due to the snowball effect. Direct Sales by the hotel are of course also very important. The Central Reservation System of the Marriott is also used to distribute itself so are the Global Distribution System, Travel Agents (via GDS), the Hotel Website and Third Party Websites (Expedia etc) 4.3 Internal financial decisions: Internal financial decisions consist of financial decisions made within the Marriott chain or the Marriott hotel Amsterdam itself, or financial opportunities within the company. The weaknesses and strengths are also a part of this. Marriott International as a stakeholder has more general objectives and goals regarding ecology, human rights, shareholder equity. 4.4 Public: To know what the public or guests thinks of the Marriott hotel, they use: feedback forms, customer reviews. The reach the public we make use of marketing and media campaigns. The presence of Social Media is getting more and more important and is already a successful marketing tool. But only the bad feedback on an online platform like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc will have a big influence on customer perception. We assume that our public has a good overall image of the hotel. We do not exclude complains because you cant anticipate on everything. 4.5 Company: FB shall become more coordinated in using international Marriott concepts for outlets. Two concepts will be uniformly implemented in Marriott hotels worldwide: The Midtown Grill and The Cigar Bar, as these concepts are now regarded as a standard feature of our hotels by loyal guests, especially US guests. 4.6 Competitors: After studying and analyzing the Amsterdam Marriotts budget for the first case assignment, in this chapter we will focus on the current and future market situation and developments. No guests no business! Therefore the Marriott hotel has to know its competitors by hard to be a step ahead and make use of its advantages to gain an even bigger share of guests and increase revenue as well as profitability. Competition can be differentiated into four main forms: product form competition product category competition general competition budget competition. In this assignment we will basically focus on product form competition as well as on general competition in terms of f b outlets. In case of the Marriott Hotel this means identifying and analyzing competitors, which offer and deliver the same kind of products and services. Following characteristics were used for the selection process of hotel competitors: shelter dining business facilities high-quality interior luxury ambiance The current product competition consists of following hotels: The Grand Okura Hotel Grand Hotel Amstel The Hilton Amsterdam Eden American Hotel Since the Leidseplein offers more than 120 restaurants in close proximity, it is rather difficult to define and analyze competition. In the case of the Sorels Midtown Grill we chose competing restaurants offering similar cuisine and/or attracting the same customers. Following characteristics are involved for selecting direct restaurant competitors: location cuisine attire/atmosphere opening times The competition consists of following restaurants at the Leidseplein: Cafà © Americain Los Argentinos Barbecue Castell Hard Rock Cafà © Amsterdam Gauchos Amsterdam 4.7 Possible future hotel competitors: Due to a recovering world-economy and forecasted trends about travel behavior/ travel patternsof countries such as the USA, European, BRIC ASEAN countries, overnight stays of business and leisure guests will increase in Amsterdam. As there is still sensitivity regarding price-value ratio, especially in the corporate business, following hotels are possible new competitors in 2011. Hotel Classification Room numbers Location Date Eden Amsterdam Manor Hotel 4**** 100 Linneausstraat 89 1093 EK Amsterdam March 2011 Conservatorium Hotel Amsterdam 5***** 130 Keizersgracht 62-64 1015 CS Amsterdam, spring 2011 Artotel Amsterdam 4**** 105 Close to Centraal Station spring 2011 City Inn 4**** 540 Oosterdoksstraat 4 1011 DJ Amsterdam spring 2011 4.8 Market dynamics: Interaction between hotel and fb regarding demand and supply is efficient. But the changes and the dynamics of the market is beyond control of the hotel. Because the hotel business is not in an free (open) market. 4.9 Conclusion: Threats: Social Media Possible future hotel competitors Midtown Grill as a steak house to specific Opportunities: Commission will be reduced from 3% to 1%. Growth of fixed contracts. Growth of conference and banqueting segment Cigar bar. Occupancy Social Media Growth of business segment Marketing Management 12e page 79
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Religion, Slavery, and Democracy in Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays
Religion, Slavery, and Democracy in Huckleberry Finn This essay will analyze the themes of religion, slavery, and democracy in the book Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. By exploring these themes that lie behind the bookââ¬â¢s veneer, we can understand Twainââ¬â¢s objective for writing this book. Religion is sarcastically reflected in Huckleberry Finn by Twainââ¬â¢s sense of storyline and the way his characters talk. A predominant theme, and probably one of Twain's favorites, is the mockery of religion. Twain tended to attack organized religion at every opportunity and the sarcastic character of Huck Finn is perfectly situated to allow him to do so. The attack on religion can already be seen in the first chapter, when Huck indicates that hell sounds like a lot more fun than heaven. This will continue throughout the novel, with one prominent scene occurring when the "King" convinces a religious community to give him money so he can "convert" his pirate friends. Twainââ¬â¢s skeptical take on religion can be elicited because superstition is a theme that both Huck and Jim bring up several times. Although both of these characters tend to be quite rational, they quickly become irrational when anything remotely superstitious happens to them. The role of superstition in this book is two-fold: First, it shows that Huck and Jim are child-like in spite of their otherwise extremely mature characters. Second, it serves to foreshadow the plot at several key junctions. For example, spilling salt leads to Pa returning for Huck, and later Jim gets bitten by a rattlesnake after Huck touches a snakeskin with his hands. Another theme that is dealt with in this book is slavery. In fact, slavery is one of the main topics that has been frequently debated in regards to Huckleberry Finn since it was first published. Twain himself was vehemently anti-slavery and Huckleberry Finn can in many ways be seen as an allegory for why slavery is wrong. Twain uses Jim, a slave who is one of the main characters, as a way of showing the human side of a slave. Everything about Jim is presented through emotions: Jim runs away because Miss Watson was going to sell him South and separate him from his family; Jim is trying to become free so he can buy his family's freedom; and Jim takes care of Huck and protects him on their journey downriver in a very materialistic manner.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Meaning of Life and Hope
Hope Hope, a word that we all use too commonly but not defined clearly. Hope Is a desire accompanied by expectation of belief In fulfillment. It's the feeling of wanting something that could happen. It's a word of belief In positive outcomes about events and circumstances in our life. We use hope In a positive wishful meaning. When we hope for something, we wish for It, we get the Idea that It might happen. Hope Is a source we need in our lives to live and to get through our battles.It Isn't something that we should want, It's something that we need. Without It we are lost and not complete. There are many meanings that are salary In reference to the word hope. It's a word we use to cherish with anticipation. People hope so that they can get over any obstacles that life throws at them. It gives them a reason to live and help them get through their own struggles. It is a psychological way of supporting oneself and motivating oneself also. It gives you the strength to not give up.Peopl e may hope to ass the big exam they have coming up, they may hope to pass the class, they also may hope to get the promotion at their jobs, we hope for many things. If we hope to overcome an obstacle we should always follow through and believe in ourselves. Everybody needs hope in their lives. It's our best possession, it's a part of us that makes our lives more meaningful. Hope is our best friend that will never give up on us or leave us alone. When we find ourselves alone we can find hope to overcome anything that we put our minds to.Everything that we do is based on hope. Hope Is external, there are unlimited possibilities and opportunities hope has in store for us. Hope can make you feel powerful and happy and not weak and desperate. If you hope with pessimism, doubts, confusion and fear it will spoil your hopes. Sometimes hope is all we have when were down. Hope is finding out that it's not the end! Without hope, there would be no motivation or strength of will to withstand adv ersity. There would be no long term goals, no direction, no comfort, no value or meaning of life.Hope is a vessel that carries a person through life. It's a motivator and it gives us something to look forward too each day. Hope is like a battery for our spirit to keep us believing and to have faith. Don't let doubt and fear get In the way of overcoming your obstacles. Without hope we are miserable and with hope we are powerful. In conclusion, Hope is a powerful source In our lives. It gives us direction and motivation to help overcome any obstacles that come In our way. Hope helps us succeed In anything we put our minds through It.When our thoughts are drowning tit doubts, fill your thoughts with positive thoughts. Fill your beliefs with hope and dependence that the unknown will turn out favorably. Hope Is the heartbeat In our lives, without It we are lost and Incomplete. BY Aftercare's Hope, a word that we all use too commonly but not defined clearly. Hope is a desire accompanied b y expectation of belief in fulfillment. It's the feeling of wanting something that could happen. It's a word of belief in positive outcomes about events and circumstances in our life. We use hope in a positive wishful meaning.When we pop for something, we wish for it, we get the idea that it might happen. Hope is a source we need in our lives to live and to get through our battles. It isn't something that we should want, it's something that we need. Without it we are lost and not There are many meanings that are similar in reference to the word hope. It's a word we use to cherish with anticipation. People hope so that they can get over any may hope to get the promotion at their Jobs, we hope for many things. If we hope to anything that we put our minds to. Everything that we do is based on hope.Hope is spirit to keep us believing and to have faith. Don't let doubt and fear get in the way of In conclusion, Hope is a powerful source in our lives. It gives us direction and motivation t o help overcome any obstacles that come in our way. Hope helps us succeed in anything we put our minds through it. When our thoughts are drowning with doubts, fill your thoughts with positive thoughts. Fill your beliefs with hope and dependence that the unknown will turn out favorably. Hope is the heartbeat in our lives, without it we are lost and incomplete.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Raymond Chandlers Hardboiled Prose Style
Raymond Chandlers Hardboiled Prose Style The most durable thing in writing is style, said novelist Raymond Chandler, and style is the most valuable investment a writer can make with his time. These examples of Raymond Chandlers hardboiled prose style have been drawn from the opening and closing chapters of his 1939 novel, The Big Sleep. (Note that several of Chandlers sentences have been adapted for our Exercise in Identifying Nouns.) Compare and contrast Chandlers style with that of Ernest Hemingway in the excerpt from his story In Another Country. from The Big Sleep* by Raymond Chandler Opening of Chapter One It was about eleven oclock in the morning, mid October, with the sun not shining and a look of hard wet rain in the clearness of the foothills. I was wearing my powder-blue suit, with dark blue shirt, tie and display handkerchief, black brogues, black wool socks with dark blue clocks on them. I was neat, clean, shaved, and sober, and I didnt care who knew it. I was everything the well-dressed private detective ought to be. I was calling on four million dollars. The main hallway of the Sternwood Place was two stories high. Over the entrance doors, which would have let in a troop of Indian elephants, there was a broad stained-glass panel showing a knight in dark armor rescuing a lady who was tied to a tree and didnt have any clothes on but some very long and convenient hair. The knight had pushed the vizor of his helmet back to be sociable, and he was fiddling on the ropes that tied the lady to the tree and not getting anywhere. I stood there and thought that if I lived in the house, I would sooner or later have to climb up there and help him. There were French doors at the back of the hall, beyond them a wide sweep of emerald grass to a white garage, in front of which a slim dark young chauffeur in shiny black leggings was dusting a maroon Packard convertible. Beyond the garage were some decorative trees trimmed as carefully as poodle dogs. Beyond them a large greenhouse with a domed roof. Then more trees and beyond everything the solid, uneven, comfortable line of the foothills. On the east side of the hall, a free staircase, tile-paved, rose to a gallery with a wrought-iron railing and another piece of stained-glass romance. Large hard chairs with rounded red plush seats were backed into the vacant spaces of the wall round about. They didnt look as if anybody had ever sat in them. In the middle of the west wall there was a big empty fireplace with a brass screen in four hinged panels, and over the fireplace a marble mantel with cupids at the corners. Above the mantel there was a large oil portrait, and above the portrait two bullet-torn or moth-eaten cavalry pennants crossed in a glass frame. The portrait was a stiffly posed job of an officer in full regimentals of about the time of the Mexican war. The officer had a neat black imperial, black moustachios, hot hard coal-black eyes, and the general look of a man it would pay to get along with. I thought this might be General Sternwoods grandfather. It could hardly be the General himself, even though I had he ard he was pretty far gone in years to have a couple of daughters still in the dangerous twenties. I was still staring at the hot black eyes when a door opened far back under the stairs. It wasnt the butler coming back. It was a girl. Chapter Thirty-Nine: Concluding Paragraphs I went quickly away from her down the room and out and down the tiled staircase to the front hall. I didnt see anybody when I left. I found my hat alone this time. Outside, the bright gardens had a haunted look, as though small wild eyes were watching me from behind the bushes, as though the sunshine itself had a mysterious something in its light. I got into my car and drove off down the hill. What did it matter where you lay once you were dead? In a dirty sump or in a marble tower on top of a high hill? You were dead, you were sleeping the big sleep, you were not bothered by things like that. Oil and water were the same as wind and air to you. You just slept the big sleep, not caring about the nastiness of how you died or where you fell. Me, I was part of the nastiness now. Far more a part of it than Rusty Regan was. But the old man didnt have to be. He could lie quiet in his canopied bed, with his bloodless hands folded on the sheet, waiting. His heart was a brief, uncertain murmur. His thoughts were as gray as ashes. And in a little while he too, like Rusty Regan, would be sleeping the big sleep. On the way downtown I stopped at a bar and had a couple of double Scotches. They didnt do me any good. All they did was make me think of Silver Wig, and I never saw her again.Ã Selected Works by Raymond Chandler The Big Sleep, novel (1939) Farewell, My Lovely, novel (1940) The High Window, novel (1942) The Lady in the Lake, novel (1943) The Simple Art of Murder, essay and short stories (1950) The Long Goodbye, novel (1954) NOTE: The sentences in our Exercise in Identifying Nouns were adapted from the sentences in the first three paragraphs of The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler. * Raymond Chandlers The Big Sleep was originally published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1939 and republished by Vintage in 1988.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Book Review Life in Year One What the World was Like in First
Book Review Life in Year One What the World was Like in First Scott Korb is an author with a lot of interest in imaginative and factual history such that he is able to help the reader of the book ââ¬Å"Life in year one: what the world was like in the first-century Palestineâ⬠visualize the exact position and situation at the indicated time during and immediately after the time of Jesus. It is clear that there were many notable characteristics and events that may be easily identified at that moment which, in actual sense, were a major symbol of the generation at that moment.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Book Review: Life in Year One: What the World was Like in First-Century Palestine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One thing that stands clearly though from the author is that he is totally unwilling to talk about Jesus Himself at that moment since his main focus is not on Him but on those who stayed around him, especially those not affiliated to Him and His works at al l. In fact, the author chooses to talk about the Palestinians, a community that was totally unacceptable to Jesus and which did not favor or even appreciate Him. They just saw Him as any other man. The book hence takes us through a tour of different issues such as the actual life for Palestinians during the time of Jesus, where people lived then, who the different people married as well as how they did it, what family life was like and how people survived, amongst other issues. It also lays a lot of focus on the Jews themselves with a very clear perspective since it looks at them from a third eye outside the circles of Jews instead of it looking from the inside, a thing that could probably have watered down the whole essence of the book (Korb 12-37). The main theme presented by the book is that of religion. The moment that the book is focusing on is the point of birth of the Christian religion, with its initiator being Jesus Christ Himself through His birth, works which many believe included many signs and wonders as well as His eventual death on the cross, a point at which many believe was the turning point and a beginning of the new religion. Religion is a strong and fundamental part of the society. Except for very few religious groups and cults which actually believe in other things, most people actually portray the normal trend in which human beings wish to belong. The desire for belonging as well as the fundamental rules for which the name of the book exists are a few of the factors for which the whole place has been desired or undertaken so as to act as the ultimate reminder of the people in that generation and more so at that moment (Korb 41-66). From evidence obtained, it is clear that the Jews used to uphold their religion with a lot of fear and uncertainty and to whatever levels irrespective of the expected rewards and challenges that arise due to the use of the book. Hence, it is impossible to separate the Jews from their religion since they were al ways ready and willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives, for the sake of the church and the whole Christian community.Advertising Looking for report on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another theme that really caught the attention of the reader during the reading of the book is the one on money and wealth. The society at the moment was subdivided into different levels of earning and wealth levels. The wealthy were treated with a lot of dignity and respect while the poor had it rough and had to keep on struggling in different areas of life such as acquiring of food, clothing, housing, basic education and medication. This is pretty similar to life today where there still is a large gap between the haves and the have-nots in Israel and Palestine (Korb 128-141). Another very notable character was the one involving the issues of sicknesses and diseases and how they were dealt with, espec ially in efforts to try and cure those who were sick. Most people believed in the sovereignty of God and that He was the main focus in issues of healing and cure of diseases and hence they basically believed that only by faith and through recognizing Christ could one receive true healing of their sicknesses. In addition, the book has laid a lot of emphasis on the way of life of the people in that generation. It is clear that the family life was organized in pretty the same way as today though there has been a lot of improves on the issues of marriage and the society. The governance was however at a crossroads since the country had been seized by the Romans who were ruling at that moment. The country was to see some darker days as it was tossed from leader to leader and from a leadership to another. The country hence was quite unstable until later on in life. The book hence offers clear eyesight into the society and the actual order of things during and immediately after Christ. It l ets us have an experience of those who were around Jesus and the way they moved on with life. Korb, Scott. Life in Year One: What the World was Like in First-Century Palestine. New York: Riverhead Hardcover, 2010.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Book Review: Life in Year One: What the World was Like in First-Century Palestine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Monday, November 4, 2019
Two short answers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Two short answers - Assignment Example in 2421 according to place values where digit ââ¬Ë1ââ¬â¢ is in ones place whereas the ââ¬Ë2ââ¬â¢ beside it falls in the tens place the next ââ¬Ë4ââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ë2ââ¬â¢ toward the left are each in hundreds and thousands places, respectively. Then to come up with a scientific notation, the child must note first that the decimal point in that order lies at the right side of the digit bearing the ones place and he or she should move it as many times as until the point reaches the spot between the two leftmost digits which, in this case, are 2 and 4. Consequently, that should make 2.421 then the child must be instructed that the number of times the decimal point is moved would be power of ten that goes with 2.421. Since the point has been moved three times from right to left as indicated, therefore the scientific notation of 2421 ought to be 2.421 x 103 (Banfill). One point would be for the clients to keep track of the list of medications provided by the physician, noting that the more prescribed medicines or drugs taken, the more likely that food and drug interactions would occur. Besides this and the risk factors that include age, gender, medical history, and body composition, a client must understand how drugs alone are acquired by the human body. Second point is to bear in mind that, like food, drug is broken down into useful form through dissolution in the stomach and travels via the bloodstream upon absorption into sites where it needs to operate and perform its repairing action once it has obtained body response or signals. The most important point to consider is the knowledge of the stages in which food may potentially interfere with drug work such as during the process of substance absorption so that when this happens, drug tends to function less effectively. Equivalently, food may also affect the efficiency of drug when food nutrien ts and chemicals react to the drug first yielding new products that may work differently compared to the original components of the medical
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Corporate Leadership and Change Management Essay
Corporate Leadership and Change Management - Essay Example Jack Welch and Steve Jobs. In the case of GE, it was a company with a long established tradition of good business practices and success in their own particular fields that was on the decline. In the case of Apple, it was a company that had a rich history to call on but the current products were hurting the company more than helping it. These examples can be studied in light of relevant theories and examples given by employees as well the individuals who participated in the change management process to show how leadership as well as the culture of the organization can be used to take a company to new heights. No company in the world across any industry in any location is as well respected and appreciated as GE (Demos, 2006). Throughout its existence, and more recently in current years, analysts from the fields of management, administration, human resources and organisational behaviour have all given their highest respect to GE (Fisher, 2006). A large part of this respect comes from the way GE handles its organisational aspects of Leadership and company culture of which examples have been given by those who have been a part of GE as well as those who have observed it from afar. There was certainly was a man at the top who ran GE for many years before stepping down to make way for the new guard, the policies and methods used by Jack Welch have remained popular with the company and little has changed despite his exit. The systems established by him have not only been used by GE, they have also been implemented in other Fortune 500 companies as standard practices. In fact, the systems created by Welch were so good that they are continued in place with modifications made only when necessary (Colvin, 2006). It is clearly no wonder than Business Week hailed him as the singe best manager in all of America long before he wrote his own book on management and leadership (Byrne, 1998). It was the particular
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